Awareness Outreach Initiatives

Awareness Outreach

Many victims, their families, and even some members of the medical community are not fully aware of the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer. That lack of insight will help contribute to the loss of more than 13,000 lives in 2023 in the US, and more than 207,000 worldwide.

Bridget’s ovarian cancer should have been caught years before it was too late. Even as a practicing nurse, she and other medical professionals were not aware of the specific symptoms and early testing options available.

To help mitigate this, the Foundation initiated an aggressive grassroots “guerilla-war” to promote ovarian cancer awareness by conducting educational presentations focused on “The Truth About Ovarian Cancer“, including discussions about early warning signs and symptoms, early testing options and the process for selecting the right, best and most responsive and informed medical team and cancer-related treatment options.


LIVE IN-PERSON PRESENTATIONS AT YOUR LOCATION: The Foundation is happy to conduct a live on-site informational and educational workshop or seminar at no cost to groups and organizations. Currently, the Foundation is performing such events throughout the greater Delaware Valley area. As the Foundation expands geographically, in-person presentations can be scheduled in other areas.

To date, Foundation personnel have provided more than 14 presentations to groups throughout the region. To request an on-site informational and educational workshop, please complete the form below.

STOP, LEARN and LIVE EVENTS: A schedule of Foundation-sponsored in-person and virtual informational events will be available here starting late-2024. Informational events will be held at area public libraries in the greater Delaware Valley, Cape Canaveral and Cocoa Beach, Florida areas, and attendance is free, but you will need to reserve your space through a link that will be provided when events are listed.

COMPLETE PODCAST VENUE:  As soon as the diagnosis was made “official”, we searched frantically to locate facts about the cancer, its treatment, your options, and the likely outcome. Except for basic, biased, or fragmented information available from various websites and podcasts (some of which conflicted with other information on the “web” from respected sources), we were left to try and stitch together an understandable narrative of what we faced and what to expect.

Based on our and other victim’s experiences, the Foundation has undertaken the creation of a centralized “podcast” forum where comprehensive information is captured, organized and instantly available at a single site for greater understanding of the ovarian cancer journey. More than two dozen podcasts, each focused on a critical component of that journey and delivered by experts from throughout the world, will share their knowledge, insights and inspiration.

Podcasts will be available free of charge through multiple podcast venues. We hope to launch “Defying Ovarian Cancer“, supported by the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition, in late 2024.

Like to schedule a live in-person informational seminar at your location? Please complete and submit the form below or call us at (856) 595 2184.