Apply to Participate in a Focus Groups or Feedback Panel

Apply to Participate in a Focus Group or Feedback Panel

If a patient has a family history of ovarian cancer, or presents with three or more chronic symptoms, medical professionals in much of Europe administer a non-invasive Cancer Antigen (“CA”) 125 blood test as a “go to” step on the complete medical “dashboard” to gage if ovarian cancer is possible. In the U.S., there is resistance to utilizing this step, which we believe contributes unnecessarily to late-stage diagnosis and premature death of ovarian cancer victims. In order to thoroughly understand the U.S. insurance industry’s and medical community’s perception of using CA-125 blood testing as a non-invasive precautionary step in assessing the possible presence of ovarian cancer in a patient with a history of the disease in their family or who is experiencing a number of the signs and symptoms of early ovarian cancer’s presence, we are hosting both a series of confidential Focus Groups and establishing a permanent “Feedback Panel” of medical professionals.

To qualify for Focus Group and/or Feedback Panel participation, we are seeking licensed medical doctors and nurse practitioners who have had direct experience in treating patients diagnosed with ovarian cancer within the last five years.

Focus Groups are held remotely (by Zoom or Teams), and each participant’s identity remains confidential to other participants during the Focus Group event, to assure honest feedback. Focus Groups are scheduled to take place in the evenings (between 5:30 – 7:30 pm, EDT) and involve practitioners from across the United States, Canada and Western Europe. Focus groups are recorded for accuracy, taking no more than 90 minutes, facilitated by a representative from the Bridget Nesko Ovarian Cancer Foundation or non-affiliated marketing specialists. Participants receive a small cash honorarium and receive tax credit for their in-kind contribution of time, donated for their participation at their standard billing rate for such time.

For consideration, please complete the following questionnaire and our Focus Group Team Leader will contact you to discuss additional particulars and review available times for your participation.

As a medical professional, please be assured that you are contributing towards the probability of saving or extending lives, regardless of the Pilot Program’s outcome.

Please contact Kevin Nesko, President and Trustee for the Bridget Nesko Ovarian Cancer Foundation, Inc. (which underwrites this initiative) at (856) 595 2184, or by email, at Director@BridgeAngelFund.Org.